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The No DrĬÅn Acid Wash gives the results of acid washing with less risk and less work and creates an option in areas where draining isn't an option.
We believe in finding the win-win. We like providing choices that also minimize risks. However, when it comes to heavily stained pools, this wasn't always a reality. The choice was often to live with the stains, or do a full acid wash draining the pool. The risks of acid washes can make it a hard decision: how bad will the surface be etched/damaged? What if one of the service techs leaves a footprint? What if the results aren't even? Even worse, some municipalities take the choice away, mandating pools can't be drained. Luckily, there is a third option: the No DrĬÅn Acid Wash.
By utilizing the water in the pool, the No DrĬÅn Acid Wash treats the entire surface to yield results similar to a full drain acid wash with better results. There is less risk to surface etching since acid is not added directly to the surface,there is less risk of damage done by service technicians since they aren't physically walking on the surface of the pool and results are also much more even since the entire surface is being treated at one time. Best of all, it's overall easier to perform than conventional acid wash, requiring much less labor.
The No DrĬÅn Acid Wash has been around for some time, and was first introduced as kits containing the chemicals and directions necessary to perform the process. However, we soon discovered that most service pros utilized the directions and key ingredients to come up with their own kits. We looked at this as an opportunity to rethink the process, and make it both more universal and easier to perform. The result is delivering our breakthrough process on an easy to read label wrapped around the primary component of a No DrĬÅn Acid Wash.
To achieve the best results from performing this process, follow each step precisely as written and in order. Turn off all equipment and prevent it from turning back on during the process. Protect metal surfaces and fixtures by smearing with Vaseline.
For white plaster, colored plaster, painted, pebble or aggregate pools & spas, add 1 gallon of Muriatic Acid for every 1,600 gallons of pool water. Do not pour the acid around the steps, love seats or shallow areas.
For fiberglass or vinyl pools & spas, add 1 gallon of Muriatic Acid for every 5,000 gallons of pool water. Do not pour the acid around the steps, love seats or shallow areas.
For attached spas with scale & stains, add 1 bottle of No Dran Acid Wash for up to 1,000 gallons of water. Predissolve in a bucket of water and broadcast onto surface of spa water; do not pour around the steps.
This is the average duration the process will take to remove scale & staining. Brush the entire pool once per day using a nylon brush. If scale & stains can be wiped, but not brushed off, use a towel wrapped around the end of the brush. Maintain a zero alkalinity during the entire scale & stain removal process. Add 1 gallon of liquid muriatic acid for every 10 ppm of total alkalinity per 15,000 gallons to maintain a zero alkalinity. Some water clouding is normal during the scale & stain removal process.
To finish and/or stop the acid washing process, begin to re-balance in the following manner: